DaVinci Resolve STUDIO vs FREE on iPad
In this article i will show you the differences between the STUDIO Version and the FREE Version of DaVinci Resolve for the iPad! We also created a PDF Document as a comparison. All the Credit goes to one of our Community Members! Thank You Chris Bogart for taking the time to create this comparison.
[Video] DaVinci Resolve STUDIO vs FREE on iPad
Do you need the Studio Version?
First of all lets clear up one thing. If you are a beginner you don’t need the Studio Version of DaVinci Resolve for the iPad. About 95% of all Features from DaVinci are available in the Free Version. Which makes this Editing Software unbelievable powerful on the Market. With the Studio Version you get some advanced editing features.
When should you upgrade? I come from Premiere Pro and Adobe. Where you pay a monthly subscription with around $60 USD. If you calculated that over time. After two years you already paid $1.440 USD. Two years later $2.880 USD. In contrast the one time purchase from DaVinci Resolve Studio (Desktop = $295 USD and iPad = $95 USD) is actually the cheapest professional Software that you can get. So when ever you need some of the features of the Studio Version, i would upgrade.
Why is it possible that BlackMagic can give the Software for FREE?
BlackMagic has this unique advantage over the competitors that the core products where they make their profit is all the gear and hardware that they sell. They even sell huge color desk tables. So DaVinci Resolve is kind of like their entry point into the Company. Adobe can’t do something like that, as their main Product is also their Software.
Download the Studio vs Free Comparison here
To make things easier you can just simply download the two PDF Documents yourself and take a look at all the differences here.
Ciao Daniel 🙂
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