Blackmagic Cloud HACK: FREE CLOUD
In this article i will show you a Hack i found, how you can use the Blackmagic Cloud for FREE. Enjoy 🙂
[Video] Blackmagic Cloud HACK: FREE CLOUD
Everything you need to know about Blackmagic Cloud
I already made a full guide on Balckmagic Cloud. If you don’t know how to use it yet. Read that article first. Also the Blackmagic Cloud cost 5 EUR per month per Library.
Before you disable a Blackmagic Cloud Library make sure to save your Projects local

The good thing about the Blackmagic Cloud is that you can at any time enable or disable your Library which will also stop the monthly Subscription. But when doing this i found out something super interesting. But before disabling your Library make sure you save all the Projects you created from the Cloud. Becaus after you disable the Library you can access the Files anymore. (No worries they are not deleted. You can access them again if you enable the Library again)
The one day Hack 😀

When you disable you Library you will see the message that the remaining credit will be added to your account.

This is exactly what happened in my case. As you can see i got my 5.94 EUR added to my account.

For the purpose of this test i re-enabled the Library (in this moment you have to pay again) and disabled it again. And see in the screenshot i got two times my money back. So the hack, if you do it on the same day, share all your files with someone in Australia, you did not really pay anything.
I know, this is not a real hack. But also shows how affordable the Blackmagic Cloud is.
Imagen you and your Team are working 10 Days on a projects. Disabling the Library and 3 months later work on another project for 2 weeks. You still will be under 5 EUR. Which shows how cheap that actually is.
Any let me know in the comment what you think.